Musings on Motherhood: the story-weaving of Gypsy Mirabai Seed

Musings on Motherhood:
The story-weaving of Gypsy Mirabai Seed

Mama. Story Weaver. Dreamer. Earth creature 
Writer + Doula + Birth Counsellor + Sacred Pregnancy

Motherhood is a sacred and demanding walk into love, service and awareness. As mothers, sharing our stories and our wisdom is our strength. To speak of our experiences as a mother is to give expression and expansion to our deepest yearnings, insights and fears. To witness is to hold space, to amplify and support the work each of us do, and to build a stronger community. In listening, our hearts may burn with a resonance for our collective path; or for the next task in our individual journey.

When, as mothers, we are strong, our children flourish and thrive- and so does society. Story-weaving is alchemy,

These musings on motherhood are my humble offering to the collective story of motherhood.

Everyone is born with a calling: a medicine to share with the world. My calling is Word Medicine: capturing what it is to be human through words both on the page through my writing, and spoken, through the art of counselling.

 My work in the world is to embody the sacred place where word and beauty medicine intersect, channeled through a divine motherly embrace. 

My intention here on the Mama Rising blog is to create space for you to reflect on your own experience of mothering, to feel heard, and to become more equipped to deal with both the practical and emotional demands of the loving servitude inherent in mothering. I hope to stir the place in you where the raw potentiality of your mothering lies dormant, and to walk beside you as you bring your light, your grief, your love and your individual magic to the collective. 

Writing has always been my way of processing and integrating the world around me. After I struggled to find appropriate services following the traumatic birth of my first child, I completed my counselling studies and focused on pregnancy, birth and early parenting as my area of client work. I have been running my private counselling practice for eight years and have also integrated holistic doula services into my work. I have four children between the toddler and preteen years, including a couple with additional needs. We live in a gorgeous riverside cottage on the east coast of Australia. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on my musings on motherhood! Email me or comment on a post today. You can also find me on Instagram here.

Thanks for visiting. 


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