
Showing posts from December, 2017

Mindset and Mothering

Today’s musings were inspired by the lovely Kate Alexandra - a yoga and mindfulness practitioner and creator of the Radical Self Care Project. Kate’s work revolves around building a reflective, authentic self care process which is as individual as we are. In a pocket of sunny late afternoon time whilst the kids played on the trampoline with water and dishwashing liquid (and only the bare minimum of tears!) I listened to Episode 17 of her podcast entitled “The Big Exhale: Finish the year connected and clear”. The wisdom that resonated most boldly in me, from this episode, was how mindsets can effect our experience of life: the narrative we feed ourselves that will ultimately inform our perspectives, interpretations and the way we meet ourselves in life. There are two broad types of mindset- the growth mindset, and the fixed mindset. The growth mindset is a container in which we can exercise flexibility in our perspectives, where we can soul stretch and be curious abou...

DIY: Orange Garlands for Solstice or Christmas

Stars are a beautiful symbol, aren't they? There is magic in sitting out on the earth (especially with a child), staring up at the night sky. I experience an expansiveness that transcends my human-ness when I spend time with the stars. They capture the imagination of my little ones equally, and are often one of the first things my children learn to draw. This simple project will capture your imagination too, and is equally useful for decorating at Christmas time, Winter or Summer Solstice, or anytime you need a little more starlight in your life really! I've stumbled upon something this year. We haven't got around to "preparing" for Christmas until the day before Christmas Eve. We had some half-hearted attempts at our usual advent calendar and the Waldorf/Steiner four Sundays of Advent tradition, which were quickly scuttled by our cats (for the physical centrepieces and candles and such) and by our busyness and overwhelm. So we surrendered, a...


I spend a lot of times not being heard these days. Although that isn’t completely accurate- the incidents of my words spilling out to the vastness of space beyond my children’s attention, priorities and awareness are fleeting, of course. But hanging there, as they are, in space, divorced from me but unanchored in the sea of suspension that is the beyond my children’s hearing and acting; they become potent in a way that is not healthy. They begin to fester and rot and before I know it, as is the way with the silent and omnipresent microbial forces that coat everything in our world, infection sets deep. And thus those unheard words return to me. They have become heavy in their failure to be witnessed. They come running back to me, tear stained, red eyed, snotty all over, and demand my intention. “They didn’t listen!” They wail. “They don’t care!”. (This, of course, the voice of my wounded, wailing inner self combines in cacophany with my actual children’s own wailin...

Musings on Motherhood: the story-weaving of Gypsy Mirabai Seed

Musings on Motherhood: The story-weaving of Gypsy Mirabai Seed Mama. Story Weaver. Dreamer. Earth creature  Writer + Doula + Birth Counsellor + Sacred Pregnancy Motherhood is a sacred and demanding walk into love, service and awareness. As mothers, sharing our stories and our wisdom is our strength. To speak of our experiences as a mother is to give expression and expansion to our deepest yearnings, insights and  fears. To witness is to hold space, to amplify and support the work each of us do, and to build a stronger community. In listening, our hearts may burn with a resonance for our collective path; or for the next task in our individual journey. When, as mothers, we are strong, our children flourish and thrive- and so does society. Story-weaving is alchemy, These musings on motherhood are my humble offering to the collective story of motherhood. Everyone is born with a calling: a medicine to share with the world. My calling is ...